One day a business owner bought a Boba shop as well as retained the employees…
He knew it was a great investment since it was in a prime location near a college campus with lots of foot traffic, where Boba is very popular among college students. But why are his sales nothing near the previous owner’s if it has the same service, same employees, same location?
What he didn’t know…are these tips on how to become a good manager. Better management skills can often equal happier, more productive, and loyal employees which will yield better financial results for your business.
1. Know your employees
Take the time to get to know them both personally and professionally. Know their career goals but also know their interests and passions. Remember too that as a manager, there will often be elements affecting an employee’s work life that are out of your control as well as theirs. In these situations, remain professional but supportive and offer to help find solutions as best you can. If an employee comes to you with an idea or concern, try to make time and give your full attention to the issue.
2. Communicate.
As the manager don’t waste your time wondering why your staff isn’t satisfied, just ask to find out what your team needs. Make regular check-ins a part of your routine, and foster a place where your employees feel they can come to you with any issues they may be facing. Try to be accessible to your team. Let them know important information and realize the effects that lack of communication can have on your staff. Just because you are a manager does not mean you have to be cold and unfriendly. While it is important that your staff knows you are the authority, chat with them, have fun with them and make your company a great place to be.
3. Be a motivational leader who acknowledges success, not just a manager.
Provide a clear direction and goals for your team, and show them how to succeed in your company. Encourage employees to work hard and give them good reasons to work hard. Try and see the positives in your employees and their work. Don’t focus on what’s missing or what your team isn’t doing, but rather on their successes and hard work. Everyone likes to be recognized for their achievements, and a good manager knows the value of delivering praise when it’s deserved. You don’t have to make a fuss. A simple thank you for a job well done lets your staff know that you value their skills and abilities. People won’t go the extra mile if they don’t think it’s worth their while, but if they know that their hard work will be appreciated, they’ll be far more willing to go that bit further.
4. Be willing to improve yourself.
While it’s important to improve your team, don’t forget about yourself. Examine your weaknesses and work on improving them every day. Be open to feedback and able to take constructive criticism as an opportunity to improve your own leadership abilities. Just because you are a manager does not mean you are superhuman. Admit your mistakes, ask for help when needed, and let your team see that you’re just as human as they are.
5. Share responsibility and lead by example.
As a manager, delegation is crucial to ensure that work is completed in a timely fashion by those with the appropriate skills. And sharing that responsibility also enables your staff to feel trusted and respected, and gives them opportunities to develop and try new things. Also, make sure you operate with integrity and ethics in your company. Act the way that you would like your staff to act.
6. Recruit right.
Recruitment isn’t just about hiring people with the right skills – it’s also about who is a good fit for the team. Start by filtering out those with the professional skills you need – start by hiring a bookkeeper. Here at Nightfall Bookkeeping, we will take on your time-consuming task of accurately recording your financial data, so you can focus your time on improving yourself, your employees and your business.